Human Resource Management

An employee means a person who is hired to perform certain duties in an organization for an agreed amount of pay. There are different types of employees in an organization which includes salaried employees and casual employees. To be an employee of a certain organization, an individual must be in a position to understand the ropes of his trade. This means that skills and knowledge are basic requirements for an individual. Note that there are different fields in an organization and therefore anybody doing a specific task is expected to be quite conversant with whatever he or she has been hired to do. This is not limited to those activities that are formal or require formal education but also to those tasks that are referred to unskilled labor. There are different definitions of a an employee depending on the country in which it is used with some defining an employee as any individual who is bound by a contract in an organization irrespective of whether the actual exercise has begun or not while in others an employee will refer only to that individual who is in a working contract.

It is important for people to understand that an employee is the face of the organization and that the organization is likely to be judged through the employee and therefore always an employee should keep the welfare of the organization before his own personal welfare. Apparently, this is commonly ignored by most employees who always put their welfare before that of their organization or their employers and therefore denying the company the reputation that it should earn from the employee. Additionally, it is worth noting that the employee does not own the job that he performs for the employer but rather the employee owns the knowledge and skills he uses in the organization. This is why the employee is susceptible to stacking or termination of employment.

How Sand's top executives should deal with the concerns expressed by supervisors

Companies are also checked by the government and should, therefore, adhere to the local labor laws in dealing with their employees as they may find themselves between a rock and a hard place by failing to comply even with one guideline of the set labor laws. It is worth mentioning that the department that deals with employees falls under the human resource department as seen in Sands Corporation. Supervisors report matters, whether negative or positive or negative with regards to the employees and therefore it one very important department because it can solve conflicts among employees and the company which otherwise may tarnish the name of the organization not only to the federal government but also to the customers of the company.

The most important thing that the top executive management of the corporation is that the supervisors are there to voice the issues that the employees feel are not going right to the company and those that employees feel need to be improved. This is serious because, in the event that the executives reject these reports, they place the company in a possible go slow, pickets and even in some cases strikes. In addition, the end results of such an action have the propensity of getting an organization losing the best performing employees to their competitors. Note that the employees own the skills of their trade, the knowledge and everything about the job they do except for the job itself and therefore when an employer loses an employee, he loses the expertise, the skills and this includes all the experience that the employee has acquired over the time he has worked in a particular company.

In the case of Sands Corporation, losing employees means losing quite a substantial amount of business and thus profits. It is also worth noting that there are other companies which are competitors of Sands corporation that would be interested in hiring the staff from sands corporation and this becomes quite a big blow to sands corporation because these employees are not only knowledgeable in matters of their jobs but also a great deal of information that stands corporation would rather not have the competitors in the light.

Another thing that the executive in the corporation should understand is the fact the employees are a wealth of information concerning the operations of the company and therefore reports by the supervisors could be quite helpful to the company and therefore rejecting such crucial information may lead the business losing quite and the amount of revenues they would have saved. This indicates that sometimes employees may have information that is of economical importance. For instance, when the supervisor reports that the training exercises have no benefit to the employees but rather only act to waste the time of the employees, the administration of the corporation should understand that they need to improve this program or scrap it altogether for a favorable one and thus maximize on their inputs.

According to the argument, an organization must be in a position to listen carefully to the reports of the supervisors, critically evaluate them and then make a decision which should be sound and relevant to their business. In this way, sands corporation would ensure that they utilize the employees and the information they have to offer for the business but most importantly ensure that they do not in any allow their competitors take advantage of them and also no collision with their employees as they are a very important element of the company and its business.

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