Human resource is a sensitive component of an organization and influences to a large part to either development or decline in productivity of a business entity. A performance of various tasks within a firm depends heavily on the position of the human resources, acquired skills or relationships established within the organizational structure. Employees are an integral part of an organization and mission accomplishing is highly vested on the scope of an organization to respond to distinct demands of its workforce via appropriate avenues like motivation, compensation, and appreciation. Findings from the authors revealed the need to manage the human resource from a unified platform and deploying policies that safeguard dignity of an employee and protects them from social-economical prejudices. The issue of mounting equality in the workforce on legal structures indicates the need to comprehensively recognize an employee from the perspective of skills and qualifications rather than racial and gender orientation. Recruitment and selection pose to be a sensitive, broad and challenging process to the various institutions. The perception of the process from this perspective emanates from established prejudices as well as the need to identify the best candidate. However, the planning of the selection procedure ensures transparent process mounted on the need to identify competent candidates. Though informative and relevant information on the human resource is available, further development is crucial in order to reflect changes in the organization and society.
The human resource component of an organization contributes to a large part to the consistent development of an organization in line with the established strategies and changes in the environment. Notably, the human resources section ensures an organization develops and employees portray cohesion crucial in reflecting the unity of direction. The scope of innovation in the workforce and implementation of appropriate techniques to boost not only productivity but also execute organizational operations in line with emerging technological aspects correlates with human resources position. The broad nature of human resources in an organization highlights the need to development an apt platform that influences the formulation of organizational core values that reflects respective demands of employees. It should be noted that the obligations of human resources department is beyond the scope of production in an organization but also accommodates the notion of employee welfare and social structure. Therefore, a committed and development conscious department of the human resources should be in the forefront towards establishing appropriate organizational structures that integrate strategic plan that aims at transforming firm's efficiency with organizational interpersonal structures and welfare of the workforce. Organizational culture is not only integral to the development of an organization in line with set goals but also promotes harmony and social attachment with a company (ITAP International, Inc. 2011). However, it is the responsibility of human resource department to formulate a diverse organization culture aiming at accommodating diversity within a company and encouraging the unity of direction. In a bid to effectively transform human resource in an organization, various theories developed by renowned scholars have been formulated in the recent past mounted on subjects under the umbrella of human resource. In this case, information on human resources development and procedure in the establishment of the appropriate environment is not only available but also broad. Therefore, this research paper wishes to gather extensive information on human resource and comprehensively analysis in order to develop an appropriate approach to human resource.
The broad nature of human resource couples with its direct impact on development and responding to diverse demands of the organization attracted numerous scholars in a bid to restructure approaches in establishing the apt working environment. Contributors to the human resources are diverse and varying in nature detailed under particular subject. Similarities as well as differences on the issue are apparent based on individual interpretation and portraying particular facts in relation to the established structures. Theories and perception of the human resource phenomena are vital in transforming an organization and workforce to greater heights in the current competitive society. However, development of earlier works on human resource principles and theories is evident in the current contributions on the subject. This is aimed at improving the overall efficiency of an organization and enhancing individual productivity and prospects through the introduction of organizational avenues that propel the development of skills and personnel competence. On these grounds, human resource restructures and contributions can be approached from the following distinct avenues depending on the nature of research and human resources concept.
According to Armstrong, 2006 human resource is an integral part of an organization and capacity of an organization to effectively manage its workforce highlights the scope of an entity to utilize its resources. The book is informative on the notion of human resource management especially in the contemporary society but also give diverse information on various subjects related to the human resource. The author approaches human resource as an asset to an organization that can propel a business entity to greater heights in case appropriate structures and policies are in place. In addition, the book gives an informative systematic description of recruitment procedure like interviewing and capacity of the human resource personnel to accurately recruit a competent and talented candidate to fill a particular post. The book, A handbook of human resource management practice gives various recruitment methods relevant selection process of various organization. For instance, the current era of technological development the author is informative on E-recruitment and its relevance in the contemporary world. The fact that interviewing during recruitment is an integral part of recruitment the author evaluates the process gives various advantages on the issue implication of conducting interviews based on prejudices on the topic or personality orientation.
The author strongly argues that human resource personnel should concurrently be thinkers and performers in an organization in order to unleash workforce potential and effectively respond to their needs either financially or socially. The fact an organization can be described as a community creating responsive channels to respective demands of the employee is vital. In addition, the notion of thinking performers within an organization is pivotal in matching skills with the particular job title. It is the responsibilities of human resource personnel to evaluate job description and identify an appropriate skill to competency perform a task. On the other hand, the author established organizational situations that call for an outsourcing program for human resource. Financial resources pose as the core factors the influences an organization to consider outsourcing program for the employee. However, the inadequacies of the program can subject an organization ton intense damage in case policy measures were not in place.
On the other hand, Jackson and Mathis author of the book human resource management is informative on the issues of human resources and capacity to appropriately management the resources. According to the authors, human resource is not only an integral aspect of an organization but also plays a fundamental role in restructuring an organization to reflect the demands of the society. The book is broad on the issue in relation to business entities in every level of operations in the globe. However, the notion of human resource environment contributes to the large part in achieving comprehensively the set goals within the stipulated period. The authors, calls upon the management team of respective organizations to formulate an apt working environment that reflects diverse demands of a workforce. The fact that human resource component of an organization mainly involves the workforce the environment entails meeting human demands either in social or economical aspects. Notably, human nature is extensive complex and varies from one individual to the other. On this basis, the book calls from diversification of human resources policies in order to accommodate the varying demands and expectations within the workforce.
On the issue of working environment in relation to human resources, the authors call for extensive strategizing on human resource development recruitment. The fact the core role of the human resource is to transform an organization to greater heights via utilization of available resources and optimization of various organizational processes. From this perspective, comprehensive planning on various human resource structures in line with visions and objectives of an entity is paramount according to the two authors (Mathis & Jackson, 2010). In addition, it is argued in the book that employment should be transparent and free from prejudices based on race or gender disparity. Therefore, the authors strongly advocate for the equal platform in either selection or employment opportunity in the organization. The book describes in depth the need to base selection or recruitment of employee to an organization on qualifications, skills, and talents of the candidates.
From the perspective of Buhler, a renowned author in human resources disciplines human capital position and capacity of an organization to respond to diverse challenges of its workforce is the core factor that influences consistent development. According to the author of the book, human resource management: All the information you need to manage your creates the notion of sensitivity on the issue of human resource and its management from better productivity, coordination, and retention of employees with vast experience in a particular field of enterprise (Buhler, 2001). The author approaches the issue of human resource from a legal perspective in line with the established policies safeguarding equality and protecting minority groups in the workforce. According to the author the legal structure, uphold dignity in both selection and recruitment process towards identifying a competent candidate for a particular post. In addition, the implication of legal aspect in the globe on human resource structures is discussed in depth in the book. In this case, the book strongly calls for the organization to formulate corporation policies that reflect the established provision on employee welfare and organizational procedure free from biases.
The book strongly condemns discrimination in the workforce and advocates for the establishment of appropriate venues not only within organizations but also anchored to the legal structures in order to promote equality in workforce treatment and employment opportunities in the diverse field. The book gives detailed information on the various functions of the human resource department to an organization especially in transforming corporation reputation through the development of an appropriate organizational culture. The notion of enhancing workforce performance is covered in depth in the book and various techniques relevant to raising efficiency are provided. Employee motivation and compensation in a bid to raise the morale of employee are core areas covered in the book. The techniques integrated with appraisal methods in order to appreciate and give rewards to employee portraying a high level of productivity within the established procedures and structures.
Synthesis of the finding
The three books are informative on the human resource issue and give diverse avenues to establish workforce environment that reflects not only the need of the organization but also integrates the vision of an entity with employee needs. The authors are critical of human resource management and calls for the comprehensive formulation of appropriate structures within an organization to transform human capital value. According to the three books, management of human resource involves managing humans a task that is termed complex due to their unpredictable nature and differing needs in society. The issue of recruitment of employees is apparent in the three books and a similar approach is evident in the selection and interviewing procedure. From the perspective of the authors, particular aspects should be avoided especially during interviewing aimed at establishing a unifying platform to select the most appropriate candidate reflecting demands abs job description within an organization. For instance, the issue of establishing selection procedure on prejudices is highly condemned and calls for comprehensive utilization of qualifications, skills, and attributes relevant to a given job title. The issue of organizational culture is evident in the three books and it is an obligation of the human resource to promote a culture that reflects core values of a company and cohesion of the workforce.
The human resources should be nurtured in order to boost the overall efficiency of an organization as well as achieve the stipulated goals within a particular timeframe. Nurturing of the human sources poses to be diverse a complex based human nature diversity in social-cultural orientation, economic demands, and human complexity. In this case, values avenues towards promoting performance and retention of competent personnel are clearly provided by the authors. Motivation and workforce appraisal give an extensive impact in enhancing the productivity of employees and identifying various avenues of inadequacies with the human resources. From a personal a perspective, the authors are not only informative on the issue of human resource but also give comprehensive solutions to various problematic issues arising from the section (Vijayaragavan & Singh, 2009). However, the current era technological development coupled with the gradual process of globalization in the globe embracing the notion of diversification in workforce poses to be highly rewarding to an organization. Therefore, appropriate structures are paramount promoting diversification of workforce in order to achieve consistent development of individuals from different backgrounds to propel consistent advancement of the corporation to achieve its vision.
The human resource is an integral part of an organization that influences coordination with the environment through various avenues. The various components of human resource department indicate the capacity of the section in influencing mission and vision attainment of an organization in the current competitive society. It is the obligation to ensure its human resources are represented and their demands or welfare is appropriately met in order to active the desired results from the delicate resource. In addition, the human resource department establishes an apt platform to promote the unity of direction an organizational cohesion for higher productivity. This entails the establishment of an organizational culture that is diverse and accommodates to the various social-cultural orientation of workforce. According to the findings, an organizational culture should accommodate diversity and promote core values to the fore development of both the individual and the organization. From the above findings, management of the human resource can be a challenge but based on pre-established plans to foresee its development culminates to enhanced efficiency. Notably, human involves human interaction and meeting their needs in an organization in order to gain from their skills, therefore, it is the responsibility of an entity to establish an apt platform to effectively respond workforce need and raise its morale. Although vast contributions in human resources are evident, the changing culture of human nature, social structures, and organizational development calls for further development of human resource concepts.