Tyranny in America

Tyranny is described as a situation in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power. It is characterize by an office, authority or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler. This absolute power tends to be exercised unjustly or cruelly and exhibits extreme harshness or severity. America can be said to have failed in the fight against tyranny. Although the constitution provides various stipulations to safeguard the U.S citizens against tyranny, the government has engaged in practices that tantamount to tyranny (NMC Services 1).

Acts of tyranny in America

Some of the first acts of tyranny faced by the American people were committed by Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln is associated with the fight against black slavery in the U.S. Although Abraham succeeded in ending black slavery, it is argued that he did not end the slavery out of his kind heartedness but due to the pressure he was getting. He thus decided to end the slavery so that the freed blacks could return back to Africa or get them killed off in the war. He believed that the black people were worthless people and deserved to remain slaves forever. Another action of tyranny that Abraham committed was signing an executive order placing America under the Martial Law. The fact that he was murdered before he took the country out of the Martial Law implies that U.S is still under the Law. The constitution of the United States of America can also be claimed to be a form of tyranny. This is because the constitution is the constitution of the Incorporated United States of America. Although many people are made to believe that the constitution assists in governing the country as a republic, this is not the case. The congress committed an act of tyranny by endorsing the Act of 1871 against its subjects who were Sovereign under the stipulations of the Declaration of independence and the initial constitution (Manion 1).

Federal reserves

The creation of the Federal Reserve that controls the banking system in the U.S is another form of tyranny. The U.S constitution dictates that the banking system should be controlled by the congress and the people. The U.S central bank strategy emerged from European banking interests. The American were opposed to the creation of a central bank since at the time it was created, they were aware of the destruction the European central banks had caused to the economy in their respective countries and the nations who became their debtors. Another act of tyranny committed by the U.S authorities is the requirement that every citizen should pay income tax. According to the constitution, it is the responsibility of the U.S citizens to decide whether they should pay tax or not (Adams 1).

The introduction of the birth certificate is another form of tyranny. Before 1921, the records of children born and their names were recorded into family bibles. Marriage and death records were also done in the same manner. These records were acceptable to both the family and the law and were the formal records. Since 1921 the U.S citizens have been registering to the state authorities the births and name of their children. This is not a prerequisite of the federal law.

In 1935, President Roosevelt committed an act of tyranny by signing the Social Security Act. The Social Security Act was endorsed t take care of the elderly, single mothers and care for the mentally disadvantaged people. This was, however, a hidden plan to make the U.S citizens pays income taxes because the government had to find means of financing the international bankers that funded the nation after recession (Adams 1).

National security

The Founders faced a great challenge in trying to establish an executive with totally restricted powers. They depended on the dominant powers of the legislature experiencing frequent election by the virtuous citizens of the Federalist 57 who would also maintain their representatives in a toe. It can be claimed that the executive has unnecessarily been given too much power. Against the willingness of the citizens, the Bush administration claimed that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit endorsed the restricted power of the executive to protect the national security in any manner. This implies that a foreigner or an American Citizen can be kidnapped in home soil or abroad by foreign authorities at the request of U.S authorities or by agents or employees of the U.S authorities. That person can then be moved to any place all over the world, imprisoned indefinitely and prevented from contacting the outside world. Such a person can be tortured or even killed in the pretext of safeguarding the national security. This is an action of tyranny against the U.S citizens (Manion 1).

Government initiatives to safeguard the nation against tyranny

The U.S government has however attempted to fight tyranny in the country through the protection of human rights. The government officials elected by the people have the responsibility of safeguarding the citizens from military invasions. In this respect, armies are deployed where necessary, police forces employed and courts of law put in place to determine individual grievances raised by the citizens. The citizens can thus call the assistance of the government whenever they feel that they have been wronged (Manion 1).


Although the U.S constitution provides guidelines on the manner in which the government should operate in order to prevent acts of tyranny against its people, the authorities or people in power have constantly found ways to subject the citizens to tyranny. The government has thus failed in eliminating tyranny in its leadership. The government has committed acts of tyranny in the pretext that it is safeguarding the interests of the U.S citizens. Acts of tyranny have been committed in contexts of safeguarding the national security and in a collection of taxes. The rights of the citizens have been breached at various instances by the actions of the government (NMC Services 1).

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