Leadership Style

Leadership theory has not kept his pledge of serving practitioners resolve the difficulties and problems occurring in the leadership of an organization. Currently, many models and theories have no context nor do the critical and dynamic issues experienced by leaders drive their construction. Often practitioners approach the problem of leadership by applying trial and error procedure mostly derived from anecdotes and fads that are popular than scientific data and models that are validated. The gap between research and theory has bedeviled the community of leadership for a lot of its history as well there has occurred in few if any examinations that are systematic of its causes


According to Zaccaro, Leadership study was rooted in social psychology, and truly it represents a major candidate in this discipline to illustrate call for integration by Levin. The leadership field is littered with a number of examples of models and theories that are unsuccessful when tested in solving problems related to leadership. Most theories have been developed devoid of looking upon for the leadership problems existing in many associations; instead, they search for, in the basic research tradition to clarify and comprehend the social manipulation dynamics of leadership. There is an essential place for such study and it should subsequently provide the platform for resolving and understanding problems of practical leadership. Currently, while theories of leadership have grown in breadth and sophistication they have not rendered into an equivalent range of efficient practices. The literature of leadership practice, in turn, is riddled with the application of trial and error that are more grounded in the anecdotes of key policy makers, targeted constituencies and sponsoring stakeholders than in scientific models and data. The literature that is popular offers everlasting streams of articles and that offer principals and wisdom of leadership reflecting case studies that are single, reflection of common sense and anecdotal evidence upon definite experiences


Leadership is a method by which a group or person sways others to acquire certain objectives and goals, as a result, improving the efficiency and coherence of the group or individual. Day (2004) On the other hand it is the ability of an individual to inspire and motivate others. On this way, it is not necessary for it to originate from an executive level. Leadership encourages a new direction for an individual or group and it can come from anyone. Leadership is not jus about an individual who receives all the glory and responsibility, but it is all about the effort of the team. Good leadership entails honorable character and selfless service. It requires a continuous process of learning that evolves and grows.

Leadership theories

According to Zaccaro and Kilimoski 20001, most leadership research has focused on the point of direct supervision with the main scrutiny element being the rapport between the followers and leaders. This analysis has considered the characteristics of the followers, the leader, and their relationship`s characteristic, While succeeding theories focused on other variables skill level and situational factors. Most theories can be classified as; great man theories which assume that leadership capacity is inherent this means that great leaders are not made but born. Another theory is the trait theory. It assumes that people take over certain traits and qualities that make them well suited to leadership. Often, theories of trait identify particular behavioral characteristic and personality that leaders share. Contingency theories, on the other hand, focuses on specific variables associated with the surroundings that might determine which particular leadership style is best appropriate for the circumstances. Situational theories suggest that leaders decide the best line of action on the basis of situational variables. Other theories include; behavioral theories, participative theories, management theories and relationship theories.

Born leader or group leader who can easily work with employees?

According to Dagan smith, when working with employees no one is a born leader. Therefore it is true to say that leaders are not born but made. Anyone who has the willpower can become an effective leader for instance before the prince takes over the throne of kingship he is trained in a variety of fields. Presently especially at work, a fresh college graduate is never given a position of management. Before an individual becomes a leader he or she must first learn how to follow. Becoming a leader requires time and it begins with how an individual thinks. This is matured from childhood beliefs and ideas and taught by society, peers and parents. Being a leader is more than giving out instructions on how to handle things. It comes with responsibilities and requires the best way in instructing employees and leading by example. If employees see that the leader is working hard, they will emulate and work hard too. One can inherit leadership qualities in order to become a good leader one requires training. a group leader, especially in a work environment in the cooperate world, can attend training and seminars offered by consultancy firms. Lamb says that these qualities and skills of a good leader don't come naturally but through study and continual work

Leadership comes with a lot of responsibilities other than just instructing the followers on what to do. It is true to say that leaders are not born but made. Other researchers argue that leaders are born and not made. Different researchers have come up with different theories of leadership based on their findings. Majorly most researchers argue that leadership I not inherent but others agree that it is inherent

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