Strategic Human Resource Management
Human resource management is one of the most integral parts of an organization; since it has the major primary responsibilities of giving support to the organization in terms of setting its strategic direction together with representing and advocating for the organization's employees. In this regard, the human resource managers are faced with a task of taking a Strategic course of action that ultimately leads to the achievement of the laid down goals of an organizational. For this reason, the organization has to attain Strategic direction which establishes the strategic plan. This entails the creation of a strategic business plan; which establishes a written vision and mission statement whereby the strategic plan puts into focus the key objectives and core values of an organization specifically on areas of performance functions of business.
Based on the above reason, maintaining a healthy and structured human resource management plays a major role in the key success of an organization. This is made possible by making organizational employees a fundamental entity; to work towards achieving organizational goals. Without human resource, an organization would not be able to function. Therefore it is imperative to maintain a satisfied and motivated workforce so as to work towards attaining the objective and goals of an organization. This research paper seeks to examine and analyze tactics which human resource managers can strategize and use to scheme its personnel so as to achieve organization' strategic plans in a cost-effective way.
The major skill areas which the human resource manager focuses on include employees' growth, motivational strategies and communication strategies. The three aspects are pillars in realizing the strategic plan of an organization. As a matter of fact, the human resource manager must engage in building community culture awareness alongside recognition and reward of teamwork efforts among the employees. Since the human resource management plays a critical role in employee championship, the human resources play the greater role of complimenting the line work of managers; through creating a good employee relationship to foster teamwork. This, in turn, increases employees' contribution towards the success of the organization. This goes hand in hand with the roles of an effective HR business manager which entails promoting management practices that improve employee relations. The HR manager should be in a position to listen and give counsel to the employees as well as assess the morale of the employee and influence management to improve the overall welfare of employees.
To help develop employee skills and put them into maximum use, the human resource should be able to predict when a change in any given process in the production line. This entails re-engineering of departments. This involves influencing the employees to adopt different changes, reducing the time needed to effect the change as well as increasing the overall quality of the change process. It is the role of the HR business partner to influence the firm to re-engineer processes and skim to move the organization towards success. Other roles include designing change strategies and its implementation together with the leadership team; while accessing the organizational commitment and solving any objection towards such change.
Human Resource Management is faced with various roles of managing an organization's employees. This entails an effective practice within an organization and requires a strategic focus to guarantee that employee feels they are part and parcel of an organization and assist in facilitating towards the accomplishment of organizational goals. In this regard, the human resource manager is charged with the new requirement of accommodating varying organization needs in terms of adapting and being realistic to change in customer needs within a business environment.
Human resource management is also charged with the responsibility of establishing the Human capital strategy. This is done by ensuring that an organization attains employees, specifically human resource management solves matters addressing employee selection, deployment, motivation and managements of employees who are the key driver towards organizational success. This human resource function covers a various range of consulting and administrative services depending on the organization's needs.
Susan points out that human resource management should offer services and delivery strategic plan that are within organization's business strategy. They should explicitly aligned to support the implementation of the organization's human capital strategy which meet the changes and demand of dynamics market or any business design which need since external market factors that create demand and shape the competitive environment for products and services organizational factors including core competencies, products, structure and composition of the business units, the cultural and political environment within the organization people factors including leadership and management competencies, the ability of the organization to develop and retain talent
Human resources management has the obligation of focusing on business that is in a line with business goals, they should think about the key business challenges and come up with plans to respond to the challenges organizational challenges facing employee's productivity. Thus the human resource management should devise metrics to be used in measuring and management of and key challenges and boost the initiatives that are strategic to the business .to attain this goal they should align the organization with very crucial entities defining the key attributes in order to enable the organization to implement a competitive human resource strategy. Which include; developing a competency model, selection of competitive and committed employees, engagement in very robust training that assist to gain a completive age in the marketplace.
Human resource managers should think of themselves as strategic partners in an organization. Their major role as human's resource persons should be contributing towards the development and accomplishment of the organization long term business plan and objectives. The human resource management should focus on business entices and goals that are supporting the overall strategic growth plan of the organization. The tactical human resource management commissioner should have a deep know how of how systems are designed and work with.
Sandra points that the strategic partnership influences human resource services such as the ergonomic design of working equipment which determine work positions; hiring, reward, recognition and strategic pay; performance development and appraisal systems; career and succession planning; and employee development. To be victorious as organizational partners, the human resource management staff members have to think on bases of business perspective. They need to know the financial as well as accounting status of the organization in relation compensation of it employee, moreover, they should also be accountable and responsible for all human resource management programs and processes. For this case, they should be in a position to prove that they are worth to hold the executive seat.
Moreover, Human resource managers should work with executives to identify the business movement and future growth expectations. Moreover, they should actively contribute towards decision making towards what strategies and methods are needed to manage skills so as to achieve organizational goals. For the human resource managers to fully understand the employee's problems and address them correctly it is important to ask them what is needed from them to achieve organizational goals. Thus human resource manager should determine what of professional is required, the skill needed and the availability of the skill in the company.
In addition Roy asserts, carrying out administrative tasks, human resource manager need be knowledgeable about the organizational business strategies and serve as role models demonstrating the required attainments in future days .for the effect of human resource management to be felt in the company, it is important first to point out how resource management, employees, and other staff perceive them and their service they offer.
In conclusion, expanding and putting into action a human resource strategy that promotes the organizational services and goals. The organizations must constantly assess business needs and their own capability to support those needs. The HR must also determine its strategic focus based on the organization's imperatives facing the company when looking for a human resource management solution, it is of great important that the human resource managers as well as other relevant employees to know about what is it that is expected of them and that are it that they want to achieve, it is also important also to realize the painful outcome that is associated with incorporating this business tool within the organization. In addition, human resource managers should also understand and be sure to attain goals systematically by following the procedures associated with.
For this reason, the Organizations should steer away from rushing to achieve the end goal. Instead, the human resource management should map out the steps; measure their milestone progress before they move to the next step. By constantly re-evaluating the steps set, it will provide organizations with a clear understanding of the progress they've made and the path the way forward. Further, when implementing a human resource management strategic solution it is vital that the human managers understand where they are, where they want to go, and how they are going to reach that destination. To make the right strategic decision the human resource managers should consider understanding the first steps to follow since they are always very difficult to change since they involve a change of organizational culture.