Helpful Hints about How to Write a Memo
Tags: writing skillswork-life balancehow to write
In order to understand how to write a memo, it is necessary to find out the peculiarities and meaning of such a piece of writing. A memo is a brief document informing the employees of a specific company about the changes in its policy, new trends, directions, etc. When it goes about the business environment, memos are usually created by the company management. As to the academic writing sector, memos are often assigned to students as a part of their educational program.
It does not matter whether you are a student or a person occupying a particular position in an enterprise. Being able to produce a memorandum is a very useful skill that you definitely need to acquire. In such a case, you will not get stressed being assigned such a writing project by your professor or your supervisor at work.
There are detailed guidelines about how to write a memorandum that:
- attracts readers’ attention
- has an explicit goal
- clearly highlights the subject
- informs readers about the matter quickly
Thus, let us identify and describe the basic elements of a memo.
Memoranda may be arranged in different ways. It depends on the purpose of preparing a memo and the area it relates to. Still, there are some general formatting requirements one has to comply with when dealing with memos.
It is necessary to admit that the types of memos can be easily identified by their format. It follows that the format of your piece of writing should correspond to the field you are working in. For example, business memos are usually focused on some business issues such as product delivery, meetings, etc.
How to Write a Memo Title
The title “Memo” is interchangeable with the following ones “Interoffice” and “Memorandum.” The mentioned headings that are put at the top of a page help distinguish memos from other documents.
Identifiable Data
Date: The line for inserting a date serves to ensure that the information provided by the memo will be sent to readers on time.
To: This line identifies the receivers of a memo. It can be either the whole company department or an individual employee. A memo sent to an individual requires indicating their full name and a job position, especially if you are unfamiliar with a person you are writing a memorandum to.
From: In this line, the sender should enter their name. Usually, the senders enter either their name or that of the addressee. In many cases, the senders’ name is typed to show that there is the one responsible for the memo.
Subject: In this section, you need to enter the title of your memorandum. Remember that it has to be brief and relevant to the content. A good title helps readers identify the memos that require urgent attention and gives them a basic understanding of the subject.
Memo Writing Tips: the Content
It should be admitted that memos are characterized by clarity and conciseness. There is no need to provide an excessive amount of information about the matter in question. Your piece of writing has to be succinct and comprehensible not to overload readers with unnecessary details.
First Paragraph: It should highlight the purpose of your piece of writing. It can be expressed in one sentence. For example, “This memorandum is written to inform that …” or “The purpose of this memo is to state that…”
Middle Paragraphs: Each of them should be focused on a specific idea helping readers create a complete picture of the matter under consideration. In case there is much to say about the topic, it would be appropriate to use bulleted lists to make the text easy to read. Remember to provide only useful data.
Last Paragraph: It should conclude your memo. Here, you need to restate the key points of your piece of writing, especially if it calls readers for action.
When dealing with memos, you should follow one important rule: your piece of writing has to be clear and concentrated on the subject. In order to present the material effectively, it is worth creating specific headings, using bullet points (as it has already been mentioned), insert tables, or any other items than can help convey your message to readers. The paragraphs are usually aligned to the left without any indentation.
Usually memoranda consist of three paragraphs. However, some memos may be written in a few pages. If the length of a memo is more than a page, it (memo) should be numbered. It may also contain the addressee’s name and the date.
Dispatching a Memo
Check the following points and you will not only learn how to write a professional memo but also ensure nothing is missed:
- Be certain that the subject is worth recipients’ attention
- Describe the memo in one sentence in the header
- Provide relevant information only
- State exactly what is expected from readers