Strategic Management Plan for Crisis Pregnancy Center
This is a research paper that basically recognizes the strategic plan normally applied by businesses through the case study of one Crisis Pregnancy Center known as the Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center (RAPCC) in the United States of America. Taking into account the respective components of a strategic plan, this paper clearly explains each component and its relevance in a business organizational design. The various components of objectives, SWOT analysis, attainment of set objectives, core competencies, information technology and the role it plays in business administration, the various control systems “applicable and the different methods of handling crisis in” the course of running a business. The setting of objectives is the most important stage since it is the objectives that will basically define a company’s mission and vision. It is also at this stage that the methods to attain these strategies are set. Unrealistic objectives can always be configured to fit into the prevailing conditions. Just to point out, objectives are the set goals that a business-oriented enterprise purposes to achieve. Care should also be taken in conducting the SWOT analysis in as far as threats and weaknesses are concerned. Reluctance on part of certain companies to point out the exact weaknesses could result into misguided information. All the possible threats should be noted however trivial they may seem as these would grow to disastrous levels. However, certain disparities could be encountered. The control function ought to be embraced to achieve satisfactory results. This basically acts as a corrective measure for unrealized objectives. Though based on a research carried on this Crisis Pregnancy Centre, these applications should be adopted to any business related enterprises be it profit-making or not.
I hope the results of this research can be useful not only to the already established business but also to the upcoming businesses that may want to establish themselves.
Strategic Management plan for Rockford Pregnancy Center
The Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center (RAPCC) is a Crisis Pregnancy Center that was formed in 1983 by a group of individuals who out of their concern for women, wanted to help them solve problems of unwanted pregnancies and crisis. Since its inception in an old Victorian house on State Street in Rockford in the years gone by, it has recorded considerable growth.” As it stands today, RAPCC operates two pregnancy care centers in Rockford. Having benefitted from a grant offered by the Focus on the Family organization, RAPCC managed to introduce ultrasound services in both centers. In the year 2008, RAPCC had its Maternity Home for pregnant and homeless women opened. It is a non-profit making organization with strong faith beliefs. Its support comes from individuals, churches, civic organizations and businesses found in the community. It is governed by a Board of Directors and has affiliations with other organizations such as Care Net and NIFLA.
Mission Statement:
The Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center (RAPCC) aims at restoring hope, offering healing avenues, and empowering everyone to make them informed about pregnancy-related choices that value human life, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
- To provide private and caring conditions for women in need of help by supporting them as they cope with their unplanned pregnancies and quality decision making on their fate as well as their baby’s.
- To offer education on “No Regrets” sex through offering relevant resources public and private schools as well as the community at large through Certified Abstinence Educators.
- To help quicken the post-abortion recovery process through offering lessons on an individual or group form.
S.W.O.T.” Analysis
This entails a identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that characterize the working of the business.
“Rockford Area Pregnancy Care Center prides itself in having been established a long time. Their establishment in 1983 has allowed them to provide support the needs of its customers for quite a long time. They have a completely faith-based and bilingual staff that helps to effectively conduct its activities. They are able to provide many services considering the support they get from the local, civil, business and religious communities is overwhelming. Such services are offered for free and their confidentiality levels remain important to their success
Despite the strengths, they also have their share of weaknesses just like other businesses. These include limited business hours as well as limited medical services. Poor staffing and insufficient financial resources also contribute to their weaknesses.” Their insistence on pro-life systems could hinder efficient working.
There are so many opportunities available to this organization. These include: increasing the size of its staff through recruiting more volunteers. This can lead to increased business hours as well as additional medical services. Advertising is also a viable option that presents an opportunity to expand the business. It achieves this by raising awareness levels in the community. Extensive educational programs to reach out to teenagers could also be adopted.
Threats are essential in the growth of any business. Rockford Area Pregnancy Center also has threats to deal with. For instance, there is increased competition from other clinics (Crusader clinics) offering services at lower costs. Increased fear of reduction in the level of funding from the government, as well as the emergence of pro-abortion clinics that tend to cater for certain customers needs. The influence of the media also proves to be a serious setback for RAPCC. The media paints a different picture of teenage pregnancy to the community a fact that has led to various repercussions.
Core Competencies
Rockford Area Pregnancy Center has a huge number of competencies that distinguishes them from other companies. They include among others; a strong Christian background that explains their strong stand against anti-life practices such as abortion. They offer educational programs as well as other services for free. They offer avenues for pregnant women to purchase maternity clothing as well as baby clothing and necessities. Homeless mothers are also presented with centers i.e. “Maternity Homes” during their pregnancy.
Firm’s Basic Business Strategy
The Rockford Are Pregnancy Centers have two major strategies. These are the provision of education and counseling services to affected individuals. The other is that of preventing abortion. This they achieve through upholding their Christian principles that do not provide for abortion.
Specific Strategies to be employed to meet Objectives
In line with the objectives that the company has set to achieve, certain measures need to be put in place to help it attain these goals. Some of these strategies would include introducing family planning lessons at the facilities to provide more information on better healthcare methods, methods of raising children born out of wedlock or rather adopting a single parenthood lifestyle. This can be particularly useful in the event the affected persons are young girls. Lessons on better parenting and responsibility should also be administered as well as abstinence. Since unplanned pregnancies are always stressful and their aftermaths could be characterized by trauma. Therefore, in seeking to create conducive environments for the affected women, Rockford Area Pregnancy Center should establish effective guidance and counseling departments that should play a part in advising the affected persons in the best ways possible. Therapeutic measures should be adopted just in case certain people require them. As concerns the education bit, RAPCC should launch campaigns to have the topic of health care introduced in schools so as to help the teenagers be exposed to these lessons long enough.
Role of Information Technology in Organization
Information technology helps an organization to coordinate its activities in an orderly way.” In the case RAPCC this has played out perfectly well. The use of a website for marketing its activities has helped a great deal in selling it on the global stage. It also applies such techniques to source for information on the possible opportunities and threats that may come up. Information technology has also been used effectively at internal levels. This has been through the use of databases that are used to store data and track each person. These databases also help to keep records of services offered and to what number of people. They have also partnered with Care Net and Focus on the Family systems to provide information and ultrasound reports to their customers.
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These are the measures that should be put in place to prevent the occurrence of an activity. In this case, such practice should be aimed at preventing unplanned pregnancies and averting anti-life practices such as abortion. Such systems could include adopting awareness campaigns through education and advertisement. Widespread awareness campaigns are the best control system that could be adopted in this case. This is because they would highlight the repercussions of any careless acts that would lead to unplanned pregnancies. It must be noted that these methods should be proactive in nature (considering the type of hazard we are dealing with here, it is better to prevent it rather than wait to cure it).” Other methods such as the theory of the ring should be considered. (This is whereby the highly affected persons wear a ring in support of sexual inactiveness). Acquisition of many volunteers and alternative sources of funds should be included in the objectives. This increases their essence as ideal points in the achievement of success.
Firm’s Crisis Management Plan
Certain happenings would come so unexpectedly and so business should always have contingency plans to deal with such occurrences. For RAPCCS’s case, however, they need to establish special schools that would be devoted to instilling these values into volunteers. This way, the organization would be able to curb any effects that may result from abrupt resignations as a result of poor working conditions. Another key risk that should be given much attention is that of funds. In order to avoid any disappointments that may result in a far as financial matters are concerned, businesses should maintain a wide variety of sources of funds. Investment opportunities should be explored by the businesses to create alternative sources of funds. Special training schools could act as buffer stocks for RAPCCS in as the manpower is concerned. In as far as acquiring more donations is concerned.
Lessons to be learned
This research basically reveals to us the requisite elements that any business has to put in place so as to survive. Firstly, a business has to identify its sources of funds. This could be one source or various sources.” A single source could be dangerous and this calls for alternative sources of funding. Another important aspect would be to identify its target customers. This simply involves a business and its sphere of influence. Remember a business without customers would be devoid of its business status as consumers determine the growth of a business. Something to pick from this research would be the fact that a business needs to know who its competitors are and to what extent are they influencing its operation. A competitive environment provides an opportunity for a business to grow or could cause its downfall. To cap it off, a business should put in place efficient organizational designs that would help it in the attainment of its dreams.