Nursing Leadership Practice


A theory is a system meant to evaluate ideas based on general principles independent of the issue. The approach of utilizing a nursing theory to solve a problem in nursing practice is effective, as it ensures that nursing problems are appropriately solved. A person in charge is likely to choose a nursing theory to solve a practice problem because theoretic knowledge offers the principles that strengthen practice and assist to generate further nursing know-how. Nursing theory can also assist patients, managers and other health care practitioners to recognize the unique contribution that nurses make to the health care service (Burton et al., 2014). Additionally, the nursing theory offers the foundations of nursing practice by indicating the direction of development in the future.

The nursing theory evaluated in the current case is that general system theory that describes how to break complicated issues into parts and then study their relationship. It is a planned framework of concepts and reasons meant to guide the practice of nursing by illustrating and describing nursing care, guide nursing practices and offer a path for clinical decision making. Furthermore, the theory improves patient care, patient outcome ad nurse-patient interaction. The implication is that utilization of the general system theory is an appropriate approach  in assisting the health care sector improvements (Parker & Smith, 2010). Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to synthesize the strategy for the application of the general system theory to resolve the issue of nursing practice in leadership. The paper will describe the problem facing nursing leadership practice, define strategy for resolving the identified issue, and provide a conclusion to sum up the content.


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Description of the Problem

The problem is that a medical degree is no longer an option in the area of nursing unit, but rather a must, as they are being taken as part of modernization. The rationale for choosing the issue  is that an issue took place several months ago. Alice wanted to work as a nurse in a local hospital and she opted to apply for a position as she was in need of a job and a vacancy was availed to her. She had worked in the industry for several years, but had not completed her degree for the personal reasons. The requirements of the vacancy required one to have a degree in nursing with at least a minimum of five years experience (Duffy, 2008). Thus, a need for a degree is the problem for the nursing experienced professionals hoping to be promoted in nursing leadership.

Alice had worked for over five years as a nurse; thus, she perceived that her experience would facilitate employment. The panel for employment started sorting out the qualifiers.  Alice was chosen to undertake the interview. The interview was conducted as planned, but she was not appointed to the position because of lacking a degree that was needed for a leadership post. Alice was disappointed as she had anticipated to be employed and complete her degree (Polifko-Harris, 2004). Apparently, the implication is a degree in the field of nursing in the modern generation is a requirement. The health care industry perceives that the absence of a degree entails that one is not qualified for leadership in nursing.

Based on the fact that the general system theory can assist nurses to decide their position, a theory that can assist in solving the issue of nurses having a degree. The theory can be linked to the issue at hand and can generate imperative results for the health care sector. The problem of lacking a degree can be presented to Alice through the use of the theory as it is designed to bring better service delivery (Burton et al., 2014). By dropping down the complicated issue into smaller parts and explaining to Alice the importance of owning a degree in leadership positions, the company can receive better understanding. Alice will think properly and find ways to counter the problem facing the health care sector.

Nurses in the initial stages, i.e. the 19th century did not require degrees to be promoted or employed. Thus, it is a problem that has been brought about by competition in the industry and advancement in technology. According to Polifko-Harris (2004), the modern employer perceives that a nurse who lacks a degree cannot handle modern technology and treat patients in the right way. As a result, issues perceived by employers are leading to degrees not being considered as optional. It is becoming a huge challenge, as that the necessity of degree in health care was not emphasized before. Thus, it is a challenge that needs to be considered (Polifko-Harris, 2004).

Moreover, some professionals cannot afford the degree. The process of getting an education is not only expensive, but also long. Most nurses are also not comfortable with the entire process as they have required practice and expertise without a diploma. Thus, it is a problem that needs to be solved through the incorporation of the nursing practice theory as described above. The general system theory helps the nurse or nursing fraternity understand the reasons for requiring a degree in the field of nursing practice (Burton et al., 2014). Fundamentally, the requirement of a degree is a challenge that has been created in the 21st century, and it needs to be addressed to adequately staff the hospitals.

Strategy for Resolving the Identified Issue

Strategy for Resolving the Problem

The problem entails degrees becoming prerequisite for nursing leaders in employment and promotion approaches. The best strategy is reducing the cost of the learning process and decreasing time frame. It is a good strategy as it will provide an opportunity for the nurses to proceed with the career. The strategy will entail health care sectors sponsoring and encouraging nurses to take part in degree programs (Porter-O’Grady et al., 2012).

Concepts and Principles from the Selected Nursing Theory

The general system theory aims at generating significant results. According to Duffy (2008), the theory can be used to identify potential ways for improvement, such as reducing cost of attaining a nursing degree program and decreasing the time frame. The theory illustrates how to break things into parts and then learn their relationship and address every section to generate significant results.

Benefits of the Theory

The benefits of the theory are to examine how the problem is affecting the nursing community in details and develop ways to reduce or eliminate the issue (Burton et al., 2014). General system theory also describes, predicts and explains the phenomenon of nursing by breaking the big issue into parts and then solving one element at a time. Utilizing the general system theory together with the proposed strategy will be a significant approach as individuals will get a clear picture of the importance of degrees in nursing.

How it Solves the Problem

Reacting to facial expression can only be taught in school. Describing what a patient is feeling medically is a part of education for degree. The field of nursing is meant to help one comprehend how the patients are feeling. Fundamentally, the implication of the general system theory can contribute to the strategy of incorporating the reduced degree costs and time frame. The nurse can evaluate the explanation of the patient following the steps of predicting, describing and explaining (Polifko-Harris, 2004).

Rationale for Using the Strategy

The rationale for using the proposed strategy is that it helps nurses understand the significance of attaining a degree in nursing. Education is not only relevant for the nursing leadership practice, but for the patients. Thus, the strategy aims to connect the two aspects (Burton et al., 2014). Reducing the cost and time frame of attaining a degree in nursing is significant as it will ensure that nursing practice leaders are able to offer better health care services.

Ethical Aspect of the Strategy

The strategy is ethically right as it connects patients and nurses in a manner that suits and benefits both parties. Significantly, the implementations of the strategy ensure that the nursing leadership practice adheres to the needs of patients. Furthermore, the nursing practice is likely to attend to patients through the incorporation the theory learned in class, as it will have been taught to the nurses (Duffy, 2008). Fundamentally, the strategy signifies positive results in the field of nurse leadership practice, as it shows the relevance of the degrees in nursing.


The paper has illustrated one of the crucial issues in nursing practice as a field. It defined issues affecting the nursing leadership and proposed the recommendation to generate significant results. The theory that has been proposed in the defined case is the general system theory, because it relates with the problem in question, i.e. degrees in nursing are no longer optional. The health care sector has made degrees in nursing leadership a must so as to ensure that nurses relate well with patients through quality service delivery. The theory supports the use of the reduced time frame and cost of attaining a nursing degree as the best option. In fact, the strategy suggestions meet the needs of nurses in general.

The general system theory entails illustrating and describing nursing assistance, guiding nursing practices, and providing a way for clinical decision making. Additionally, a theory gives nurses critical thinking skills and develops principles for comprehending complicated issues by dropping them down into sections. Initiating the proposed theory and strategy will bring positive results, where nurses in leadership practice will have a clear perception as to why degrees need to be attained. The approach meant to change the way nurses operate. Also, it links the patients and nurses in a mutually understandable way. The rationale is based on the fact that the theories can only be learned from higher education.

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